Directives pour les MUCITES, effets secondaires d’une thérapie anti-cancer
Exemple de directive pour le traitement des plaies
MASCC/ISOO Evidence Based clinical practice GUIDELINES for MUCOSITIS secondary to
cancer therapy 2014 – ORAL MUCOSITIS
- (i.e., strong evidence supports effectiveness in the treatment setting listed)
3. The panel recommends that low-level laser therapy (wavelength at 650 nm, power of 40 mW,
and each square centimeter treated with the required time to a tissue energy dose of 2 J/cm2) be
used to prevent oral mucositis in patients receiving hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
conditioned with high-dose chemotherapy, with or without total body irradiation (Level of Evidence II)…”
- (i.e., weaker evidence supports effectiveness in the treatment setting listed)
3. The panel suggests that low-level laser therapy (wavelength around 632.8 nm) be used to prevent
oral mucositis in patients undergoing radiotherapy, without concomitant chemotherapy, for head
and neck cancer (Level of Evidence III)…”